How to Use Chakra Control to Perform Ninjutsu

Yesterday as of this writing, I had a magnificent thought that lead me down a wonderful wonderful rabbit hole that sparked me having the urge to write this blog. That thought was; 

Holy shit the reason we could never do jutsu when we were little was because we didn’t take the time to learn chakra control like Kakashi tried to tell us.

– My Brain

Anybody who went outside that was born between I’d say 1990-2001, eventually saw someone tried to mimic the stuff they saw in Naruto. At school, at the park, the grocery store, some weird ass child like I was was trying to pull off Rasengans and Fire Ball Jutsus. It was just the culture. The next step down this rabbit hole is that during the early days of Naruto, what we thought was the magic of Naruto then (at least in my experience) was the hand signs for the jutsu. 

Snake → Ram → Hare → Dog → Snake 

Those are the signs for Wood Dragon Jutsu. Now at first glance and as we all thought, those are very simple hand gestures to do. And you’re more than welcome to try them and do please let me know if a wood dragon crawls from under the ground, but seeing as all mine have failed, I doubt it will. Even if you managed to do it at super human speed with perfect precision like they do in the series, still drawing a blank. 

To a little munchkin growing up watching Naruto on TV, mastering these hand signs with good speed is very disappointing once you realize that nothing happens. But taking a more introspective look into how things work in the Naruto universe you begin to realize that throwing at hand signs aimlessly is like trying to fire a gun without a bullets. Or putting a dead battery in a remote. Making a sandwich with no bread. You’re missing something very important. 

What’s that crucial thing? The thing you foolish thought that I was here to teach you. Chakra Control. Yeah that’s right I wrote a click-bait title fuck you, you’ll still enjoy reading this. 

Chakra Control is the crucial element to performing jutsu of any kind. That and simple wall running and walking on water. Yes walking on water is simple, take that Jesus. Once you learn chakra control, the world more or less becomes your bitch to some degree. You can even bring people back from the dead! Now we’re not going to get too crazy in depth into the logistics and such of that, but I do want to bring something to your attention. 

I do believe that the reason we thought hand signs were the secret to performing jutsu is because that’s what we can see. We see some hand signs, flaming meteors fall out of that sky. 

But in Naruto the secret is in the chakra and your level of control over that chakra. It’s what you don’t see is where the magic happens. That’s what gets your jimmies in a rustle. Mastering the unseen is what lets your bend the world around you to your will. Rigorous training and adequate knowledge of what works and how it works is what causes the magic to happen. Knowing this and applying it will make you realize that there’s nothing magical about it at all. 

The cool thing about this is that real life works the same way. More or less. I still have my doubts about wooden dragons crawling out of the ground but maybe it’s my doubts that prevent that very thing from happening. But the grand thing is that even if you can’t summon wood dragons or walk on water, there are still great and amazing things you can do and accomplish from learning “chakra control”. Call it whatever you want to call it, Chakra, Ki, Spirit, Nen, whatever. Regardless of what title you put on it, it all works the same. You innately know what it is. And once you learn to control it…as you will it, so it shall be. 

Believe it!


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